Greetings everyone! Sorry it has been so long since my last update. I have been busy finishing school, and trying to figure some things out in my life. I also took a bit of a much needed break away from...well...everything! Warning to people: a lifestyle such as mine can be challenging to your health. Proceed with caution!

I am practicing for my upcoming Europe trip in the fall, which I am looking forward to. In the mean time, I have posted some of my videos up on YouTube in order to attract more visitors. I am curious to see what the world has to say, but please feel free to log into the site (very easy to do) and rate my videos and/or leave a comment. Your comments would be greatly appreciated and it might be interesting to see what else comes of it. Here are the links: (Rach 3 cadenza) (Rigoletto)

The reason for my desire to post the videos came from searching up the International Competition for Outstanding Piano Amateurs. I found a video on YouTube of my friend and fellow Canadian competitor, Guillaume Bourgault. There was mention of my name in the comments section! Funny that people would speak of me when I have no idea. Check out his great performance in the preliminary round

In music of Debussy, Chopin and Schumann...he played like a pro, giving clean, flowing, atmospheric performances that displayed confidence and musical know-how.

Olin Chism, Fort Worth Star Telegram

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