November, 2008


With so many fond memories of this place, I am looking forward to returning to Convocation Hall in Saskatoon on Friday December 19th. I think the last time I played there was around 13 years ago, and I do remember many good times in that hall. I hope the piano is in good shape, because I will give it my all. This upcoming recital is in support of the Canadian Music Competition, Saskatchewan Branch. They are in serious debt and need your help! I am indebted to the CMC and in fact, one of my fondest memories was getting first prize in Quebec City (playing the Rachmaninoff Rhapsody). 

The program will be the same that I performed in Paris last month. Thank you to the University of Saskatchewan for helping make this event possible. Also, a big thank-you goes to my good friend Carman Rabuka for helping me put this recital together while I toil away in Toronto. We hope everyone can make it...and if not, please tell as many people about it as you can. I would love to chat with all of you after the concert too. What better way to spend your Christmas holiday than this? I should warn you, there will be no “Silver Bells” or “Little Toy Trains”. If you’re looking for that, we can meet up at my place for an egg-nog sing-a-long.

Tickets $10, available in advance at McNally Robinson, Yamaha Piano Store, Long and Mcquade.

In music of Debussy, Chopin and Schumann...he played like a pro, giving clean, flowing, atmospheric performances that displayed confidence and musical know-how.

Olin Chism, Fort Worth Star Telegram

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