September, 2015
I was invited recently to be the guest artist at the 50th Gala event to celebrate the Royal College of Dentists of Canada. This college represents all post-graduate dentists who have passed their board exams to become specialists in their fields. It is a designation that I have as a periodontist and I am more than proud to bear the letters FRCD(C) behind my name. It does not represent something of status for me, but rather the almost impossible amount of hard work I put in during the extra four years after dental school. I remember preparing for my board exams and looking at my stack of notes that were almost 2 feet high. I was to learn and memorize every fact, line, author, and concept in those notes. To me, passing those exams in my final year from the University of Toronto was a life accomplishment. I found an old picture of me studying on the floor of my condo back in the day. Man, I am glad I don’t have to do that ever again!
The gala event was a wonderful night. Lots of great speakers as well as an exquisite meal prepared by celebrity chef Corbin Tomaszeski. I performed a mix of solo pieces and finished off with a song featuring Peter McCutcheon, formerly of the Canadian Tenors. What a lovely event it was, and I hope they ask me back for another gala some day!
In music of Debussy, Chopin and Schumann...he played like a pro, giving clean, flowing, atmospheric performances that displayed confidence and musical know-how.
Olin Chism, Fort Worth Star Telegram
Tom on Social Media
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