A while back I had been interviewed by L’Atelier Grigorian, a chain of classical music CD stores in Canada. They are a great organization that promotes classical musicians both in music sales, concerts and now press inteviews. Liz Coulson approached me with a few candid questions for their “New Artist Feature”. I had fun answering the questions, as they were not typical questions. It’s funny now looking at some of my answers, which seem a bit childish...but hey, a lot of the questions made me look back on my childhood! Plus, I haven’t really ever “grown up”, so this is what you get.
Check out http://www.g-entertain.com/newsletter/winter/newsletter_winter.html and have a look.
ps. for those of you who care...GO RIDERS!!! I am going to the Grey Cup to cheer them on.
In music of Debussy, Chopin and Schumann...he played like a pro, giving clean, flowing, atmospheric performances that displayed confidence and musical know-how.
Olin Chism, Fort Worth Star Telegram
Tom on Social Media
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